Can’t Hardly Wait for Kids Sea Camp

We can’t wait for Kid Sea Camp

We can hardly wait, to jump into the big ocean blue.
It’s been a long time getting here
dealing with long winters, colds, and flu.
We got our gear, cameras, and buoyancy vests.
The airline is all booked, we hope
our flight’s the best.
After 11 hours of travel, arriving so sleepy.
We finally get here on the sandy beach, so pretty.
Boat dive is all set and Carlos is our guide.
He gets us to our dive site with dolphins swimming by our side.

So many beautiful animals we get to see with wonder.
From tarpon to turtle, to frogfish and flounder.
But today, what a day, such a big super surprise.
A manta ray swam with us, 6 minutes total, no lies.
So forget about theme parks with long lines and dizzy rides.
Bring the whole family to Kid’s Sea Camp,
a vacation they will remember for the rest of their lives.

 The Abad Santos Family