Ocean Wishes Charity
Make an ocean wish today!
The Ocean Wishes Charity: We need your help to save the ocean and educate our fellow humans. We need help illustrating how our everyday lives are connected to our natural environment and the rest of humanity. Let’s inspire each other to take action and make changes in our environments that will positively impact the quality of life we share. Help Ocean Wishes make others aware of the lethal threats facing our most critical marine habitats and species daily. Help us to educate and communicate to others the value of preserving the biodiversity of our underwater world. Lead by example and share your green ideas and best practices. Help us protect our planet’s precious resources before it’s too late. Join our Ocean Wishes Charity today!

- More than 180 animals and fish are eating plastic – Start using cloth bags.
- There is an island of trash the size of Texas in the middle of the Pacific Ocean- Start by only using biodegradable products and recycle
- Calculate your carbon footprint.
- Find your environmental consciousness and lead us to a sustainable future. It is possible.
- Tell us about your efforts and events so we can share your ideas and help support your development.
- www.worldwatch.org is a great place to get informed.
- Learn about our internships, scholarships, and beginning training grants, as well as our Ocean Wishes Foundation.
With tax-deductible donations to Ocean Wishes, you will help the reefs we love and improve the lives of native island families that depend on the nurturing spirit of the ocean. We believe when children understand and appreciate the beauty of our oceans, they will grow into motivated adults committed to protecting the environment for future generations.
Make a wish for an underprivileged child near you today. Ocean wishes to select 12 applications a year to sponsor beginner training grants. www.oceanwishes.org or call 803-419-2823
Please check other ways of giving back to help our underwater world.