Then his head popped out and said: “hey there’s a manta”. Dave jumped in the water as I finished my Fanta. We all looked around with Dave’s tendency to joke, No one was sure if they could believe the bloke. We dawned our gear as fast as we could, With this opportunity, we knew we should. We got off the boat at record speed. Cause logging a manta is just what we need. The manta swam into the blue and we thought we missed him, Then turned around, and for...[ read more ]
Fiji adventure to Castaway Island at Kids Sea Camp By Jennifer Peyton-Chornlesky, age 11 Day 1 and 2: I drove to Atlanta and fly to LAX to meet the group at 6 pm. We left LAX at 10:30 at night on November 15th arrival in Fiji on Air Pacific a 747 10hr and 45 min to NAD airport. Day 3: Saturday: 46 kids and 48 adults. We meet the South Seas Cruises Catamaran for a 2.5-hour sail through the Yasawa islands to Castaway Island. Day 4 & 5: I woke up to the...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp is awesome! I just wanted to let you know what a fabulous time we had in Grand Cayman. THANK YOU!!! My daughter did indeed get certified (shown on the right in the pic of the kids) and was able to join us for the last day of diving. She was so proud to have finally done it, she told everyone she came across that she had gotten certified. My son and I got in 12 dives, including a night dive that gave us a glimpse of not...[ read more ]
Fun things kids say about learning to scuba dive at Kids Sea Camp Diving is fun, exciting, and taste bad! It is cool to breathe underwater. (Sarah) I love looking at all the fish, looking at me (Logan) Diving is hard but easy. It was hard because I had a little trouble getting my fins on, but it was easy to see and breath. (sam) I like the zero gravity and feel like a superhero. (Jack) I loved the camera I got from Margo Peyton and SeaLife. My favorite picture...[ read more ]