Thoughts from a Kids Sea Camp mom Reflections from a Kids Sea Camp family that has gone to these KSC trips: Curaçao 2003, Curacao 2004, Curacao 2005, Honduras 2006, Honduras 2007, Fiji 2008, Palau & Costa Rica in 2009 and joined 2010 Belize. By Trish, mom of Corley, then age 8 and now age 19 I had been debating whether to put down my deposit for our Kids Sea Camp in Curaçao. We couldn’t decide whether we wanted to try a new location or take a year off. But after...[ read more ]
Looking forward to our next Kids Sea Camp vacation Greetings! Hope you and all Kids Sea Camp family are surviving the winter. We are approaching the record for winter snowfall here in West Virginia. 77 inches is our record, we are just a few short of that now. On behalf of Trey, Anna, Christy, Jenny, and myself, I just want to thank you for the wonderful time we had at Kids Sea Camp in Honduras this past summer. As the months, and the snow, have accumulated since then, we have...[ read more ]
National Geographic love Kids Sea Camp Dear Margo, I have had the good fortune of being able to travel around the world with my children (30 countries and counting), so we’ve shared a lot of interesting and unique experiences together. Last year I was introduced to Margo Peyton and Kids Sea Camp at The Beneath The Sea Show in NJ that I was speaking at. As soon as I learned that we could travel to some of the world’s best dive sites together as a family AND have our boys...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp made sure we felt cared for all week long Last winter, as I was beginning to plan my annual summer dive trip, I encountered some roadblocks. As the single divorced mother of an eight-year-old boy, I had to make sure he would be cared for while I was away. His father recently moved out of state and was inaccessible. My parents, 74 and 84, offered to watch my son but admitted it was becoming more difficult to entertain an active boy for an entire week, especially with...[ read more ]
My whole family is loving Kids Sea Camp We got to Bonaire Kids Sea Camp a day early to spend a little time getting used to the place. My kids, although avid swimmers, had never really felt comfortable in the ocean. Kids Sea Camp changed everything. The first day in Curaçao, my kids wouldn’t go past where they couldn’t touch the bottom of the water. By day two, they were swimming the channel with local kids, back and forth. I was thrilled that he was loving it! I had spent...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camper's diving experience I’m going SCUBA diving for the first time in all my life and I’m only ten! I’m so excited. My mom tells me all about it after she comes back from one of her diving trips. It’s going to be my mom, my brother and me going on the trip. We are leaving tomorrow! We are at the airport now and we are just sitting here bored as can be. It was kind of starting to take the fun out of the whole trip. I’m...[ read more ]
THANK YOU for one of the best family experiences we have ever had. Since I am a list person, here is my thank you to Kids Sea Camp The Carrigan Family is thankful for: Margo and Kids Sea Camp for the trip of a lifetime Galapagos Liveaboard dive yacht and crew for above and beyond service Wonderful meals- three times a day (at least) Great snacks- loved the hot yummies on the dive deck All of our fellow Kids Sea Camp travelers Finally getting to meet and spend time with...[ read more ]
You were extremely helpful with all your advice before we got there. As non-divers, Andre and I were clueless as to what was involved.I also wanted to thank you for the whole Kids Sea Camp experience. Annalise had the time of her life. She was all smiles every day. What a gift you have provided for these kids and their parents! She is now certified and waiting for her next chance to dive. Andre and I brought along books to read thinking there wouldn’t be much for us. We ended...[ read more ]
Teen Divers love Kids Sea Camp Hello again, my fellow teen divers. I come to you now with information on another Kids Sea Camp: Grand Cayman. This was my first time on Grand Cayman, and I have to say, it was a really fun week. It was a totally different experience than Bonaire or Fiji (the other two Kids Sea Camps I have been to). But Grand Cayman was different in a good way, so don’t think it’s a bad thing. Grand Cayman was mainly different because the program is...[ read more ]
Although this is my second time doing the Teen Diver group during Kids Sea Camp Bonaire, it was still an awesome week. I saw a lot of things I wasn’t able to see in the water last year, and going to the donkey sanctuary again was pretty sweet. And even though Bonaire is a small island, I am never bored there and I can’t wait to go back again. The diving was really cool, yet again. There was a lot of fish, and the water was warm and clear. I...[ read more ]