Kids Sea Camp is #1 in the world again! 2020 Scuba Diving Magazine's World's Best. Thank you for voting Kids Sea Camp your #1 choice for family dive travel every year! 2015,-2025#1 family dive experience readers choice awards every year! Here's what families have had to say about Margo & Tom Peyton and Kids Sea Camp over the past 20 years. "Kids Sae Camp! A family experience like no other. Amazing to see teenagers sharing their experiences with other young divers." Conrad Rucker - PADI Course Director. "As a dive...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp creates decade of growth for family The Wakely family have done over 20 Kids Sea Camp trips in the past decade. This is a short note expressing their joy in the diving skills in their family. Dear Margo and Tom, We’re here in Maui – and it is absolutely stunning and magnificent. We’ve done a couple of dives – the lava tubes of Lanai (stunning), just amazing – and saw so much life, so much colour, dolphins on the way home in their hundreds, and whales –...[ read more ]
How Kids Sea Camp changed my life By Robbie Peyton 1. I loved traveling with my mom and being apart of Kids Sea Camp! It kept me far away from TV the nd video games for most of the summer, and I made friends in many countries around the world. I’ve kept in touch with most of them through Facebook, and some have become my closest friends. Growing up at Kids Sea Camp (KSC) has shaped my life in so many ways and contributed to who I am today. I enjoy diving with...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp in Bonaire! I wanted to thank you, Kids Sea Camp and the Buddy Dive staff for an amazing week in Bonaire. Matteo and I had such an amazing time and Pascal was a great instructor and extremely attentive and dealt with Matteo’s numerous foot injuries (haha). Matteo absolutely adored him. I never worried about Matteo and that made all the difference. I was actually able to relax knowing my child was in good hands, safe and learning. Everyone, including KSC and Buddy Dive staff, made us feel...[ read more ]
The perfect family vacation with Kids Sea Camp To say my family is passionate about travel would be a huge understatement. In fact, we feel that travel is perfect for our children’s educations and personal development that we took a year off to travel around the world with our two sons (8 and 11 at the time), visiting 28 different countries along the way. Now that we’re back in the “real world,” we truly cherish those few weeks a year we get time off and select our vacations very carefully....[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp is love Our family just got back from Bonaire and had a fabulous time and just loving Kids Sea Camp. Your crew, as usual, do a great job hosting the week and everyone seemed to have a really great time!! We are all thinking about where to travel to next year. We have quite a large group of people that are all interested in finding a place for us all to travel to next summer. Many of us still have small kids so we really all want...[ read more ]
National Geographic experience at Kids Sea Camp The Bay Islands Kids Kids Sea Camp (Bay Islands Honduras), I am writing rather belatedly to tell you that my family had a terrific time at your camp. It was the best trip we’ve taken since our “pre-child” diving days. We enjoyed 3 dives a day and saw some amazing sights. I was there for the National Geographic moment when a large octopus and a 4′ moray wrangled in a life or death struggle before our eyes (the moray escaped). We saw turtles...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp is simply the best Margo, I have always meant to write you a note to thank you for Kids Sea Camp. We have now enjoyed Grand Cayman, Fiji, Roatan and Bonaire with our kids through you. You have enabled us to dive with our children in wonderful locations that we would never have been able to do without Kids Sea Camp! With 5 children in all the age brackets, our children have been able to enjoy SASY through Teen Diving and have been able to get certified by...[ read more ]
Another awesome Kid Sea Camp adventure Kids Sea Camp allowed us as parents to awesome great morning dives each day knowing that the kids were well attended to. Upon returning to the hotel each day after diving around lunchtime, the kids were so consumed with the content of their own marine programs, they barely recognized our return! The afternoon allowed us, adults, to get out and enjoy some more activities before returning to get the kids at the end of their afternoon sessions. As if the scheduled kids’ activities weren’t...[ read more ]
Kids Sea Camp as good as they say it is! We have taken our son James with us on every dive trip we’ve taken — sometimes with and sometimes without babysitters — and it’s usually worked out for us. But when we learned about Kids Sea Camp, we knew it was exactly what we were looking for all along. So much so, in fact, that we began to wonder, “Could it really be as good as they say?” Well, it was better than advertised! Animal encounters, ocean art, stories, snorkeling,...[ read more ]