Mother loves the Peace of Kids Sea Camp
Even a non-diving mom loves Kids Sea Camp all year round
By Janet Martin, a non-diving mom
So, I wanted to tell you about two things that happened today that reminded me of Kids Sea Camp. To be truthful, not a day goes by that someone in our family doesn’t speak of Kids Sea Camp.

It is now August 15. This morning, when I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee, I looked out the window and saw the subtle changes of the season. The color of the water was different, the wind was blowing the trees differently, and when I opened the door, the air had a crispness to it, and it smelled different — it smelled like fall! Ahh! I love fall, but it means winter is just around the corner. I am not a fan of winter. I try to embrace it but my thoughts always return to Kids Sea Camp. I think of Kids Sea Camp and I’m a non-diver, that’s how amazing the weeks are.
The second thing that happened was with my son. We went to get the mail and he received an envelope from PADI! He was beyond excited. Enclosed was his PADI Seal Team card. His smile will be in my memories forever. He is a PADI Seal because of Kids Sea Camp. Kids Sea Camp is unique to us. Perhaps that is why we think of it often. Our children can now explore and experience things in life that before they would not have had the opportunity to do.
My name is Janet Martin, my husband Tim and our two children Isaac (8) and Allie (5) would like to tell you about our experience with Kids Sea Camp. It has taken me a long time to focus and figure out what Kids Sea Camp means to me. I have had a lot of thoughts go through my head, but I keep coming back to the word Peace. Kids Sea Camp means Peace to me. Sort of silly I know, because you would not naturally put these two things together.
Our journey with Kids Sea Camp began with a desire to get back into traveling. After the long winters everyone has endured on the Northeast Coast, we were looking for a vacation that would make us happy, comfortable, accommodating, and, of course, Tim has to dive.

I will often read my husband’s dive magazines (being a non-diver) to see what is happening in the dive world. I saw a Kids Sea Camp advertisement and asked Tim, “What do you think about this? Should we call and see what this is about?” (Remember, this is not something we would ever do.) Curious and desperate to find a solution, he called (I believe several times!). We had a lot of questions. The Martin’s are thoughtful and practical decision makers; we fail horribly in the “quick decision maker” department.
So, in July 2013, the Martins did something they have a hard time doing—we took a leap of faith and went to Grand Cayman at Cobalt Coast for the Kids Sea Camp experience. In return, we got Peace. We finally got Peace. Kids Sea Camp literally changed our lives forever. It was one of those “Ah Ha” moments, or for some, one of those handfuls of moments that have affected them. Corny, I know, but it’s true.
When I arrived in Grand Cayman for the first time, I still remember the feelings I had on the first morning. I was amazed and in awe. All that was going through my head was the fact that all of these kids do this with their families. They are happy, they get along, and these kids can dive! I want this for my children. I want Tim to dive with Isaac and Allie. I was getting more excited by the moment.
It amazes me still that kids can dive! I wanted this for my children so badly, I was somewhat obsessed with it. I spoke to Tim about diving and Kids Sea Camp all year. I know he was tired of me talking about it. But, I felt Isaac and Allie had found their “thing”. Really, I was so happy. We live in a small rural area with limited opportunities. We must create opportunities for our children, and I am glad we chose this opportunity.
Kids Sea Camp’s goal is to take care of you and everything was taken care of. They provide a safe diving haven for families. Everyone at Kids Sea Camp had the same goal for their families, this is something that we really appreciated. We were so happy about this vacation that went back in 2014 and again to St Lucia in 2015. Tom and Margo Peyton secured the worries, which ultimately led to peace.
Kids Sea Camp was run like a well-rehearsed orchestra. I don’t know how else to describe it. It was a beautiful weeklong masterpiece. Everything just worked. Every beat and note were perfectly in place. Tom and Margo are constantly making sure everything is perfect.
At the end of Kids Sea Camp in St Lucia at Anse Chastanet, Isaac, only eight, was able to have his first 12-foot dive with his instructor and his father. WOW! The thought makes me speechless and happy tears come to my eyes. Allie was in the SASY unit looking and swimming with the resident reef fish. Her week in St Lucia allowed her to find her “inner fish” and become even more passionate about animals and sea life. Her happiness gives us peace.
Kids Sea Camp has become (in our lives) what you do every year. People need to go to the dentist, eye doctor, hairdresser, get new shoes, the Martins need to go to Kids Sea Camp.
For us, like everyone, time is precious. Vacation time is hard for us, so planning a vacation with our precious time is stressful. Kids Sea Camp has given us peace about our time. Peace, for our family, has come on many different levels. Tim can go diving and not have the worry of me or the kids — I’m at peace. He is under the water to escape from his mind and responsibilities — he’s at peace. I know where my kids are and who they are with. Tim is diving, food and the place are great — I’m at peace. The kids can come and go, eat, drink, meet new friends, dive, play, and learn — we are all at peace.
Sometimes, big moments change our lives—births, deaths, and marriages. Sometimes, it is people, whether or situations. I can honestly say Kids Sea Camp is one of those moments for us. The people we have met and the experiences all have contributed to the Peace we desired for our precious time. Peace…it’s important, it will change your life…, and it’s good for you.