Laguna Beach Resort Poems 20111
K- ids having fun every day
I- n the water bright and early
D-olphins for all
S-harks for some
S-un shine abounds
E-el’s down deep
A-ndrea rocks!
C- alderone rocks too!
A-nd rough seas
M-akes for
P- lentiful FUN!
By: Denice Tappero
Our family came here from the “Highlands”
To spend time in these beautiful islands
Drinking beer by the glass, here in hon-dur-as
And will leave these good islands a smiling
Rotten Ronnie is the best his pirate name is Rogest
We think at times he’s lost his mind!
You’ll Think he’s crazy but he’s really kind!
Our family loves it by the sea
We are as happy as can be
scuba diving is so much fun
We won’t go home until we are done
By: Robert Parker
R-eef diving in search of colorful fish
O-cean clear and blue greatest wish
A-bstract art with rotten Ronnie he’s the best
T-ropical island –so much to do no time to rest
A-nimals – paco the parrot and peter the monkey
Our new best friend
N-ever enough week sad to see the end
By: K. Van Dike
The same kid, from Bermuda
Who wanted to see a barracuda
Went diving one day
and got lost on the way
and ended up in Cuba
By: Holly Wakely
There was a young man from Bermuda
Who wanted to see a barracuda
He does the best that he can
he went to Utila
At Kids Sea Camp he learned
How to scuba
By: Zebedee Wakely
To Bay Islands we made the trek and got
To dive on a big wreck
But the best part for our whole group
Is the Kids Sea Camp troup
About the ocean, the kids learned much
Seeing dolphins, fish, turtles and such
To Rogest and Margo and everyone thanks
So much
By: Doris & Bob Schaffer