The perfect family vacation with Kids Sea Camp
To say my family is passionate about travel would be a huge understatement. In fact, we feel that travel is perfect for our children’s educations and personal development that we took a year off to travel around the world with our two sons (8 and 11 at the time), visiting 28 different countries along the way. Now that we’re back in the “real world,” we truly cherish those few weeks a year we get time off and select our vacations very carefully. When we heard about Kids Sea Camp, we knew it would be perfect for our family … and boy were we right!

My husband and I have been diving for nearly 20 years, but sporadically at best once the kids were born. We were thrilled when we had the opportunity during our around-the-world trip to expose them to the wonders of the ocean during some incredible snorkeling experiences in Hawaii, Australia, Seychelles, and Panama. They took to the water and then the countdown was on until they were both old enough to start scuba diving.Having received their PADI certification in a rock quarry in Pennsylvania last summer, their first ocean dives were on the “teen boat” as part of Kids Sea Camp‘s 2010 Thanksgiving trip to Palau.
Everything about our experience with Kids Sea Camp was outstanding, from the attentiveness of the staff, quality of the lodging & food, and professionalism of the dive operation to the absolutely world-class diving. The marathon travel to get to Palau was worth every minute in the air (I’d gladly hop back on a plane tomorrow with Kids Sea Camp).When we went to Palau with Kids Sea camp this year, we were struck by how many of the families traveling with us had participated in previous Kids Sea Camp programs.
The returning kids spanned all age groups and to the last one, they were all excited to be on another Family Dive Adventure trip. We know our kids feel the same way, as we were barely unpacked before they were asking us when we would get to do this again. And our answer … as soon as possible!
By: Carol Jens and family